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Emmah's Garden Blog
Our Corn Harvest

Our Corn Harvest

The planting of the field was indeed successful in about 90% of the field. The other 10% suffered from too much water and the corn did not grow as well.

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Emmah’s Garden Women’s Group

Emmah’s Garden Women’s Group

Emmah is always thinking of ways to support her village. She has come up with a beautiful idea where people who have a high stake in the community are fully involved in making it better.

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Farming Has Challenges (Everywhere)

“The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.” – Will RogersIn this short video (1:28), Emmah explains how the field that had been planted with tomatoes has now been planted with cabbages. We were concerned that the disease which had affected the tomatoes had compromised the...

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Food Security and Emmah’s Garden

Food security is really a broad and a critical thing that needs to be given priority by all people of goodwill and the government. All people are entitled to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life. People can...

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The Efforts of Emmah’s Garden in Kenya

In the USA, it is very different as water is connected to people’s homes. The only effort they have to make is to turn the tap on and then clean themselves. People in my village have to travel many miles to get water for drinking and cleaning themselves. This is why it is very important to support...

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Food Distribution in Nyandoche Ibere, Kenya

Hi Everyone, We are helping the people of Nyandoche Ibere in a very immediate and significant way by providing them with food support. This is a new effort by Emmah's Garden. Our initial and on-going effort to support the people of the village was to help provide clean and safe water. The village...

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