Social distancing is another guideline that has been stipulated by the WHO to help in combating the virus. From my experience, I find this to make a lot of sense, although it does not work for all people. It is easy to social distance when you can work from home or somewhere that is very convenient. To work from home, one needs the Internet, which is easily accessible here in the USA.
In my village, most people live hand to mouth and live in congested places where they cannot manage to social distance. The Internet is another challenge, and most of them cannot work from home. Most homes are not able to support working from home as they are not connected to electricity.
Lockdowns have been suggested and are used to slow down the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, they work well for countries where governments have enough resources to support it is citizens. A good case study is the government of the USA, which stepped in to help its citizens by providing them with a stimulus package and unemployment benefits.
This kept people going while on lockdown, and I learned a lot from this experience.

The stability of a government is essential to its citizens in such challenging times. For my village, things were opposite as the lockdown caused many families to go to bed hungry or miss basic needs. There are people who would work every day when perhaps they should have stayed at home. They had to work to get money to buy food. There were no stimulus packages or filing for unemployment because most of them are informal laborers, and the government does not have a support plan.
Sanitizers are rarely available in my village because they are expensive to purchase. People have to prioritize on what to buy, food, or sanitizers. People struggling to put food on the table cannot think of buying sanitizers regardless of it being important.
Hunger is something people do not wish for, and it also makes people work hard to provide for their families. Families that were struggling to get food before the pandemic are now struggling even more as the pandemic has made things difficult. This is why your generosity will be of great value to the people of Nyandoche Ibere.
In summary, I believe the small efforts of Emmah’s Garden matter a lot during this pandemic. Learning how the pandemic has affected our personal lives is a great thing, but, learning how it has affected other people is also important. If you can help by supporting Emmah’s Garden, I think you will find this rewarding because it eases the tension and anxieties once you realize how lucky you are to have a supportive environment.