Emmah’s Garden

A Kenyan Story

Who Is Emmah?

She is a young Kenyan woman.

She has a degree in Agribusiness.

Her family has farmed in Nyandoche Ibere, Kenya for generations.

Village of Nyandoche Ibere has a population of 2,300 people.

She is deeply motivated to improve the life in her village. 

Emmah went to the Village Elders with ideas on how to solve the water and agricultural issues in the village.

We learned of the response of the Village Elders

from this letter from Emmah.

Many of my villagers don’t believe that a girl of my age can do anything to change our village.

I also realize that I have a lot to conquer include changing the mindset of my village men who had the audacity of asking me some irritating questions. For example, “what can a girl of your age do that our politicians have failed to do to change our village.” But I am not blaming them since I understand that they believe by seeing not hearing.

To win their hearts and maximum cooperation, am kindly propose that we do some smaller things that they can see. For example, water filters in schools, churches and health centers. Also, to set up a demonstration farm at our home, from where I will be teaching them modern farming technics. I believe this will help me to convince them that we can achieve many good things.


We are committed to helping.

We hope that you will help too.

A healthy community means healthy children and a healthy future!

For a community to prosper now and in the future, it needs to have critical fundamentals in place.

Clean, drinkable water is essential.

Improved productivity on small-lot farming is also vital.

Education is necessary for both achievements.

Climate change makes initiatives related to water and agricultural productivity even more challenging.

Our Initiatives

We The People of Emmah’s Garden


We support small-farm agriculture in the village.

  • Leasing land
  • Providing starter money for tools, seeds, fertilizer
  • Teaching new techniques
  • Increasing profits
  • Enabling reinvestment


Water Needs


We use advanced water filtration technology.

Our approach helps by:

  • Providing cost-effective filter technology
  • Testing ways to harvest water
  • Testing ways to store water


Teaching and Education at Emmah's Garden


Continuing education is the foundation of the gains we seek. Each group, led by an elected leader, is involved in ongoing education.

Emmah’s Garden actively develops appropriate materials for this effort.

Our Team

Thank You

for Your Help!

Your donation is very important to us.

Mail a Check

Payable to: Emmah’s Garden

Mail to:

c/o Caleb Wolfe

143 Stevens Road
Lebanon, NH

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