Our Corn Harvest

Our Corn Harvest

What We Learned and Our Decisions 

A Review

We planted corn in a four-hectare field which is about 40 kilometers from the village of Nyandoche Ibere. This field had not been planted in many years and therefore needed extensive preparation to plant the corn.

We invested in this preparation and Alloys and Emmah both agreed to visit the field after planting to monitor progress. However, we all noted that to travel to and from the field would be an extra burden on both Alloys and Emmah.

The planting of the field was indeed successful in about 90% of the field. The other 10% suffered from too much water and the corn did not grow as well.

Emmah's Garden Corn Harvest

Corn, recently harvested

Another Issue

Then we realized that we had another problem. As the corn matured, we started to experience people going into the field to harvest the crop. We realized that this was being done for two reasons:

  • The field was for the most part unsupervised.
  • The people around the field were very hungry.

We decided to harvest the field slightly early to get a reasonable crop yield as the crop yield was being reduced daily due to people picking the corn.  

We had great sensitivity to the people in the area around the field – they were simply hungry.

Emmah's Garden Corn Harvest

Processing the ears of corn

Observations and Decisions

  • We will plant corn again, but the preparation cost will be lower because the field has now recently been planted. When we took over the field, it had been a while since it had last been planted, and we had to do extensive prep work on it.
  • We will collaborate with the people local to the corn field to get them to help plan and manage the field while the corn is growing. This will make them a part of the effort and reduce their need to take corn from the field as the crop is close to maturity.
  • We want to implement a Kitchen Gardens approach using this field with people from the area of the field. Collaboration is a good way to think about making progress.
  • Alloys has already committed $500 to preparing and managing the field for the second planting of corn.
  • Alloys will organize a local supervisor of the field by putting him in charge of a portion of the field for his own use. This means that we will have a stronger local supervisory presence, and Alloys and Emmah will not have to travel to the field as often.
  • We are making important local connections since we hired some local people to do some of the work in the field for the first planting.
  • We want to encourage and support these local people to become Emmah’s Garden members and establish Kitchen Gardens, such as those in Nyandoche Ibere.
  • A field supervisor has been identified. His name is Nyabuti. Alloys feels comfortable with his skill as a farmer. He also has demonstrated a very high work ethic.
  • Alloys has established a relationship with Nyabuti, and the two are building trust with each other.
  • Alloys has made a request to the Emmah’s Garden board to proceed with a second planting for the 4-hectare field.
  • Alloys also thinks that the $500 (proceeds from the first planting) will go a long way to support the second planting, second weeding, and second harvesting and selling.
  • The board gave permission for the second planting but emphasized developing a stronger local presence-team approach, which Alloys will organize.

The board of Emmah’s Garden thanks Alloys for making a case for a second planting.

Emmah's Garden - Corn Harvest

Alloys harvesting corn

Emmah's Garden - Corn Harvest

Corn being harvested – we continue to advance the cause of Emmah’s Garden

Special Christmas Donation To The Needy Families of Nyandoche Ibere

Special Christmas Donation To The Needy Families of Nyandoche Ibere

Emmah Garden made a special donation working with a local food wholesaler and provided the basic ingredients for Christmas Beignets.

Beignets are a very special treat. The beignet is a square piece of dough, fried and covered with powdered sugar. Emmah’s Garden provided the flour, sugar, and oil to make this delicious treat. The people of the village call this maandazi, and this treat is a traditional Christmas treat and very special.

Emmah’s Garden provided the basic ingredients to about 500 families which is an increase from the 150 families we supported with this donation activity of the prior year.

  • Five hundred People came to the distribution. They came not only to receive the ingredients for beignets but also to expect a political event.
  • Alloys hired six local young people to help with the event.
  • Alloys stated up front that no political speeches or discussions were going to occur.
  • Wheat flour, sugar, and oil were given out for Christmas beignets.
  • The local administration people present included the assistant police chief, the police chief, and the assistant county commissioner.
  • When the women of the village spoke, they expressed their great appreciation for this charitable Christmas activity.
  • The woman wanted Emmah’s Garden to support learning in the village and asked for our support in creating a village library.
Emmah's Garden - Christmas Beignets
Emmah's Garden - Christmas Beignets - Wheat Flour

Bags of wheat flour.

Alloys abd Emmah

Emmah and Alloys

Emmah's Garden - Christmas Beignets

Cooking oil

The Village People of Nyandoche Ibere

People of the village

Sharing is caring, that’s what they say. But this will only remain a usual adage if it’s put into use. This is the reason why we, Emmah’s Garden decided to share our care with the Nyandoche Ibere community.

Our Christmas became more caring and it is evident from the faces shown of how happy and elated the community is. It may look like a small act of kindness, but with God in it, it’s plenty.

Emmah Garden always seeks to support needy people in the village. We want to provide hope, we want to stimulate collaborations. To be kind is always what we aspire to. We successfully did this with our effort to deliver Christmas Beignets.

We acknowledge the effort and contributions from our friends and sponsors and Emmah’s Garden.

We look forward to 2024!

We pray for nothing else but sound health and plenty of blessings. That the good Lord may keep us safe in 2024.

Blessings galore.

An Interview with Emmah

An Interview with Emmah

Emmah explains her motivation for supporting the people of the village.

Emmah’s Garden supports the village by funding agricultural efforts and providing education about farming techniques.

At the end of this video (time stamp: 10:05) are testimonials from people who joined the Emmah’s Garden effort. These people are excited and motivated, too.

Emmah’s Garden provides funding, knowledge, and hope for people in the village. I wonder if the most important part of the Emmah’s Garden effort is the part related to hope.

Emmah’s Garden Women’s Group

Emmah’s Garden Women’s Group

A Game-Changer Kitchen Garden

“I believe this Kitchen Garden project can really be a game-changer to these noble women of Nyandoche Ibere.” ~ Emmah Gesare

Emmah is always thinking of ways to support her village. She has come up with a beautiful idea where people who have a high stake in the community are fully involved in making it better. This idea may seem small in nature, but we could define it as a game-changer in the village.

Emmah's Garden Women's Group

The idea is a simple one – sometimes those are the best. Emmah has started a project that is called the Emmah’s Garden Women Group. The project involves identifying key women in the village of Nyandoche Ibere. The main objective of this project is to support women who will set up and manage (That means to grow food!) a Kitchen Garden. A kitchen garden is a small garden typically adjacent to the home of the woman. 

These small but highly efficient gardens can support a family. This effort goes a long way to helping a family to have a higher level of food security. The women who receive funds to get a kitchen garden started are also motivated to improve garden performance. Improved performance may translate into surplus food. Surplus food can be sold in the village to increase income for the family.

Emmah Explaining to Emmah's Garden Women's Group

A successful kitchen garden may seem like a small thing. Still, to a family in this village, it is very significant. 

This effort can be expanded as more funds are raised to include more and more women. To start a garden, a woman will receive seeds and other farm-related items needed to plant and manage the garden. These women will also receive educational support as well as coaching and guidance from Emmah. The gardens will be composed of various vegetables improving the base level of nutrition for families in the village. 

Emmah is the coordinator of this project and the agricultural advisor. She is enjoying teaching these competent women the most up-to-date farming techniques to improve garden yield. Everyone involved is enjoying the project. 

Emmah is also working to find opportunities to sell any surplus crops that are produced. Later Emmah will also teach them how to manage the money they get from the vegetables; this will help them improve their financial management skills. 

Any extra income from a kitchen garden will be directed towards improving their lives by helping with their children’s education, paying medical bills, and, in general, improving their standard of living.

Emmah's Garden - The First Women's Group

Thank you very much from the community Nyandoche Ibere to the Rotary Club of Lebanon, New Hampshire for the water purification support to Emmah’s Garden.

Farming Has Challenges (Everywhere)

“The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.” – Will Rogers

In this short video (1:28), Emmah explains how the field that had been planted with tomatoes has now been planted with cabbages.

We were concerned that the disease which had affected the tomatoes had compromised the field. However, that is not the case as the advice that Emmah provided has resulted in strong growth of the cabbages in the field.

Farming has its setbacks. The weather and other factors can have an impact on the results. In this case, we had a setback with the tomato crop but have a recovery with advice from Emmah and the cabbage crop.

Note that the audio volume is low. You may need to increase the audio level on your device.

Food Security and Emmah’s Garden

Emmah's Garden and Food Security

Food security is really a broad and a critical thing that needs to be given priority by all people of goodwill and the government. All people are entitled to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life. People can efficiently carry out their economic, social, and political life and activities provided they have enough food for their families. Availability of food provides a satisfied and active life for an individual.

Keep on reading!

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